Saturday, November 28, 2009


Tricky tricky.....

In the field of HR, performance evaluation or performance appraisal is a necessary and beneficial process to provide feedback and career guidance to employees. It is a yearly avoided more than held process. Some called it development discussion.

A lot argue that the process is conducted mainly to help with employees learning curve. The problem is employees are learning or are suppose to be learning everyday at work. Regular discussion about work performance should be conducted whenever issues are identified. Evaluating employees once a year? what value does it have?

I recently had to go through a performance evaluation with my boss. I am being evaluated of course. It is said to discuss/improve my performance and hopefully provide me with a clearer career direction. Ironically, i felt more discourage and disappointed than ever. I felt that my good work are not being appreciated and my small mistakes are being magnified. I love my job and it did not show. I take initiative and it did not show. I follow up on my work and it did not show, certainly not to my boss, who come visit me once a month.

The thing is i do make mistakes, and i am learning. I take criticism and try to improve my myself. This is the start of my career and my lack of experience shows. This once a year evaluation is tricky. How does the good work out weight the bad ones and vice verse to score a higher ratings on the scale? It takes a skillful experience manager to do it right and do it well.

So is this really a necessary process or is this a chore? What is the real value?

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